
standard thick Learn more about standard thick

  • Criteria for evaluation of Clivia

    Criteria for evaluation of Clivia

    Over the years, people in the purchase of high-grade Clivia, more than the merits of the leaves to decide whether to choose, basically do not consider flowers and other conditions. Therefore, the evaluation standard of Clivia is of course based on leaves. To sum up, there are mainly + articles

  • Standard mink

    Standard mink

    The coat color is dark black, the back and abdomen hair color is basically the same, the hair peak is smooth, there is no white spot or the lower lip is rare, there is no miscellaneous hair, the needle hair is dense, the distribution is uniform, the general length is less than 25mm, the villi are thick and even, the length is more than 15mm. Male minks require a large head, well-developed cheeks, open ears and erect ears, a thick and long neck, broad shoulders and chest, deep chest, and long and wide back. The abdomen is compact, the buttocks are broad, the natural bending is flexible, the tail is thick and long, and the limbs are spread out, strong and powerful. The posture is arrogant and the whole body is symmetrical.

  • The standard of strong seedlings of rapeseed

    The standard of strong seedlings of rapeseed

    The standard of strong seedlings of rapeseed

  • What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

    What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

    What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

  • What is the classification standard of edible fungi?

    What is the classification standard of edible fungi?

    What is the classification standard of edible fungi?

  • Standard of high quality seedlings of jujube

    Standard of high quality seedlings of jujube

    Standard of high quality seedlings of jujube

  • Morphological standard of strong seedlings of watermelon

    Morphological standard of strong seedlings of watermelon

    Morphological standard of strong seedlings of watermelon

  • Seedling maintenance standard

    Seedling maintenance standard

    The completion of the late watering, pruning, weeding, medication, seedling replenishment and other management work of seedling planting is collectively referred to as maintenance, so what is the standard of seedling maintenance? Seedling management is a part of greening management, and the so-called greening conservation refers to green space, vegetation and other plants.

    2020-11-09 Seedling maintenance standard completion seedling planting later stage watering
  • Six key points for High yield and High quality cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Six key points for High yield and High quality cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Golden Pleurotus ostreatus, also known as Lobayi mushroom, large white mushroom, known as white matsutake in Japan, is a rare edible fungus that leads the market in summer. Its fruiting body is clustered, thick, thick, fresh and white, crisp and tender meat, excellent flavor, rich nutrition, known as the outstanding among the mushrooms with excellent taste and quality. in addition, it is especially favored when it is on the market when there is a shortage of mushrooms in summer. In Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other places, the price per kilogram of fresh mushrooms is 14,18 yuan, the benefit is very considerable, is a very promising rare mushroom species. The following introduces the "six keys" for the cultivation of high yield and high quality of Pleurotus ostreatus

  • Appreciation criteria of Chinese orchids

    Appreciation criteria of Chinese orchids

    Phoenix crown belongs to hybrid orchid, line art dwarf species, the price of each seedling is about 510 yuan. It hardly blossoms.

  • Where is the fundamental way to build the brand of Chinese fruit?

    Where is the fundamental way to build the brand of Chinese fruit?

    Where is the fundamental way to build the brand of Chinese fruit?

  • Appreciation standard of Guolan Zhonggong Palace

    Appreciation standard of Guolan Zhonggong Palace

    Guolan Zhonggong Palace appreciation standard nest, that is, the Zhonggong Palace, especially refers to the overall structure of the flap and nose. The Central Palace is an important part of the national orchid appreciation. To the middle palace knot round, that is, holding the flap and tongue flap to form an approximate circular pattern for the United States, requires five lobes to divide the nest.

  • Choose and buy Akita dogs

    Choose and buy Akita dogs

    (1) for first-time breeders, before buying, it is best to visit the home that owns the dog to understand the dog's appearance and habits, so as to have a spectrum in mind when choosing and buying. (2) if conditions permit, we should also find some introduction materials about the dog and study it carefully to further understand the shape of the dog and the characteristics of various parts of the body, so as to avoid mistakes in purchasing. (3) in the selection, we should first pay attention to the standard of height and weight, too big or too small, may not be purebred. Due to the lack of age, the puppy has not yet developed.

  • Teaching and Analysis of Plum petal Morphology of Orchid

    Teaching and Analysis of Plum petal Morphology of Orchid

    From ancient times to the present, in the process of continuous development and evolution, Chinese orchids have gradually established a theoretical system with the petal shape, flower color, leaf type and leaf color of orchids as the main appreciation criteria.

  • China's first high-standard basic farmland construction specification issued

    China's first high-standard basic farmland construction specification issued

    ● According to the national land improvement plan, China will build 400 million mu of high-standard basic farmland by 2015 and strive to build 800 million mu of high-standard basic farmland by 2020; ● High-standard basic farmland construction

    2015-12-26 china's first high standard basic farmland construction standardization introduction;
  • Teaching and Analysis of Plum petal Morphology of Orchid

    Teaching and Analysis of Plum petal Morphology of Orchid

    From ancient times to the present, in the process of continuous development and evolution, Chinese orchids have gradually established a theoretical system with the petal shape, flower color, leaf type and leaf color of orchids as the main appreciation criteria.

  • & quot; sea chicken & quot; grouper fry how much is the price now? How to raise seedlings?

    & quot; sea chicken & quot; grouper fry how much is the price now? How to raise seedlings?

    Grouper can be divided into marine grouper and freshwater grouper. the meat is fat and tender and nutritious. Live fish are sold in the Hong Kong and Macao market and are regarded as one of the top edible fish and one of the four famous fish in China. Grouper is expensive, economic value, nutritional value and

    2020-11-11 Amp quot sea chicken grouper fish fry price now yes
  • Fresh e-commerce: you can sell agricultural products without leaving home.

    Fresh e-commerce: you can sell agricultural products without leaving home.

    Fresh e-commerce: you can sell agricultural products without leaving home.

  • What is the classification of Tremella?

    What is the classification of Tremella?

    What is the classification of Tremella? Please describe in detail the purchase and storage of standard Tremella after drying. The grade standards for the purchase and storage of Tremella are as follows: level 1: dry feet, white Tremella, thick ear flesh, loose ear slices, large pieces, round pieces, glossy, no impurities, no pedicel, no rotten ears, diameter of 6.

  • Identification standard of great wealth of old species

    Identification standard of great wealth of old species

    Sichuan Chunjian downhill new product plum petal, the outer three petals comparable to jade begonia, Zhonggong soft hold.
